Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wrap It Up, Please

I once loved The Office. Now I'd say I kind of like The Office. It's gone the way of country music: once (somewhat) unique, and of good quality, but now overwrought and bastardized.

There have been some great episodes along the way, but they've become few and far between in the past season or two. For example, I enjoyed watching Erin's Secretaries' Day meltdown and Pam breastfeeding the wrong baby, but that's about it lately.

Gone are the days of the Gaydar, Cousin Mose and the beet farm bed & breakfast, the Dundies Awards, the marriage of Dwight's exercise ball and Jim's scissors, and Pretzel Day. Currently, we're treated to nothing more than Ryan and Kelly redux, Jim and Pam ad nauseum, and Michael's contrived "funny" behavior.

You make me sad, NBC Office. It's true that the BBC left you wanting more, but at least you weren't hoping they would stop before embarrassing themselves further.

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