Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lucky 7

I just upgraded, and Windows 7 is waaaaaay better than Vista, which I blame for any and all technology problems I've had in the past year. Thanks for the software and tech support, Kevin!

I fell asleep during the installation last night, and awoke in a panic to a shut down computer, feeling certain I'd missed some prompt and ruined my computer forever. I'm an old lady that way.

Now, if one of you witty readers would give me a name for my blog, life would be a picnic!


Terry Ferrell said...

Well, since you like "7" so much better, why don't you name it
Or how about 'My Nephew Can Beat Up Your Kid!"?

Clifton said...

I'm sticking with my blog title suggestions. You're not gonna get any better out of me.