Thursday, October 25, 2007

Retirement Party


Nick said...

Amber, i have read that cake like 10 times...i am a guy, and a simple one...running for president none the less, so tell me...WHAT SHOULD THAT CAKE ACTUALLY SAY OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING?

Anonymous said...

Apparently, nobody gets the joke. This confirms my suspicion that I'm smarter than all of my friends.

Someone orders the cake by saying, "Write 'Best Wishes Suzanne'...underneath that, 'We Will Miss You.'"

Now don't start leaving me comments about how you got the joke before I explained it. If that were true you'd have commented about how funny it was. As it stands, you're my intellectual inferiors. Or you don't read my page, ever.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation. I still don't get it...

...Kidding. I get it. Really