Sunday, December 17, 2006

Baby, it's cold outside

Santa Claus, having to tackle the rest of the world in one fell swoop on December 24, has already made the rounds in Hungary. He visited on December 6, and he brought only chocolates and candies. He's still trying to ease them through the transition from when they were under Communism and had to wait in long, cold lines for hours to visit Santa, then another to unceremoniously pick up their gift, which was always a standard government-issue doll or toy car, regardless of the child's request.

Hungarian children will not be forgotten, however, on Christmas Eve. But you may be surprised to learn whom Santa has roped into doing his bidding that night: Baby Jesus. Yes, Baby Jesus will be the one delivering toys, come rain, sleet, or snow. Not Teen Jesus, not Young Adult Jesus. Baby Jesus.

I don't recall ever reading in the Bible that Baby Jesus was really physically different from any other baby, so let's hope that he has some sort of transportation, and that his good mother Mary has the foresight to wrap him in something other than swaddling clothes for the journey this year.

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