Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Photo 365 Project

...Begins tomorrow! Every day of 2009, I will take at least one photo of something, someplace, or someone. It will be very difficult not to miss a day, so I'll just fudge a bit and you'll be none the wiser.

My sister will be doing the same thing at her new site, so take a look at that once she gets started.

I will be using a Flickr album, accessible by following the "My Photo 365" link on the sidebar of this page. You'll see not only the Photo 365 pictures, but a handful more of my favorites that I have accumulated over the years.

I'll begin this project in New York City tomorrow--what better place to begin? Enjoy!

1 comment:

Beyond Blessed TX said...

I'm following your blog now! Hope you can follow ours now that we are back. :) JB